Sunday, March 06, 2005

Semantic Web + Wiki + Collaborative Filtering

What if you could have an open collaborative environment, like wikipedia, for structured data? Say for example if you could take all of the companies and all of their products and how they are used in lots of other products, who are the retailers selling them, for how much, what do people think of those products, what do people want that is just a little different from an existing product. Even better what if you could have a massive debate about everything. Take a statement. There are reasons that it might be true or false. There is data to support each argument, each one referenced. People agree and disagree and good reasons are rated higher and seen by more people. Each conclusion is based on a set of assumptions. If you were to present your assumptions conclusions based on those assumptions would be presented. All of it is massively collaborative, completely democratic, and adaptable to multiple systems of belief.

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