Friday, December 30, 2005

Inevitable Power

Technology will progress and information about it will become free and accessible to all who seek it. So what will happen if everyone can make a bomb, a missile, a poison, a biological weapon ? If you take the society of today and give it the technology of tomorrow it will be a very dangerous place to live, perhaps to the point of oblivion. So one thing has to change, society or the availability of hazardous information. Police states work nicely for keeping information under wraps, but they are not very fun to live in and they are easily corrupted. You could abolish all privacy, make all private information, and private spaces in homes and offices accessible to anyone at anytime, kind of a police state of nosey neighbors. But this would lead to abuses of the information. So what is left ? Some how diffuse all of the social conflict that leads to people resorting to violence to achieve their goals. Doesn’t sound easy. You can attack this problem on two fronts, conflict resolution, and the goals of people. On the conflict resolution side you need allot of skilled people that can wheel and deal and create new solutions and opportunities, both locally and globaly, kind of a hyper-creative politician /social worker. Not an easy job but necessary. The second part is the societal goals. The world is full of frustrated people with no opportunities and a limited set of ideas on how to get out of their situation, most of them not very good. So you need kind of a directory of ideas and possibilities, a vast repository of all the ideas people have of what is worth chasing, what is important, and why. And once someone has decided what they are going to set out to do, there is another directory of resources of people with similar goals, resources, businesses, books, everything. And of because all this doesn’t happen on its own, you need people and resources to go everywhere there are people in need, to build the basics, food, shelter, medical care, and education, to kick start the whole system. And if in the end, everyone hasn’t found a way to live together and resolve their differences we have lots of crime, terrorists, wars, and police states to look forward to … fun .

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